Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Improving Fine motor movements of fingers

With Abhi, the main problem is with his fine motor movements using his fingers. I could make out the difference with his right hand fingers. He wont be able to do a smooth movement of his fingers. I could see the stiffness of the muscles when he tries to do drawing curves/circles etc. What ever comes quite naturally for any child, it seems not at all possible for Abhi. I have to sit with him and make him practice doing the activity.

As I have always found that to make the children sit for sometime, especially with a dull activity which you mention as exercise or therapy, is very difficult. Our therapist also know that. So we device art techiniques which include many activities. So depending on the child’s interest we have to change the approach to make them do the activity.
One very good activity to improve muscle strength of fingers is to make dough from the wheat flour etc as for chapathi/roti.
An alternate and interesting variety will be to prepare paper maché. This involves more than one activity for fingers.

  • Tearing of paper with tip of fingers
  • Mixing glue and water (wrist movement)
  • Mixing the paper/tissue pieces with glue-water and making dough
  • To make the activity more interesting make shapes out of this dough and colour them.

To get an idea see the below link.

One more thing which I realised is, if I make Abhi do OT as exercise or OT activity, I also get disappointed or frustrated thinking,"God, how long I have to continue this to see the improvement in him". Like the doctor has said once, it wont happen in a day as miracle. So I also stopped to say about OT activities, instead tell only about what all way you can do ART.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Colours n shading n sticking

Abhi's OT therapist has asked him to do lot of shading activity using crayons and colour pencils. This improves his finger steadiness and coordination for writing drawing etc.

As usual, to make abhi sit and do an exercise or OT acitivity is difficult. But MAY BE doing an art is possible. And it worked, he was interested to make a photo album.

See the post to make a KIDS PHOTO ALBUM :

Monday, March 17, 2008

Passing Madhyama Hindi Exam

March 1oth 2008, the result for Madhyama exam by Hindi Prachar sabha was on the net. I was very very happy to see Abhi's and his friends roll numbers in the list of students who have successfully passed the exam.

As I have said before, attempting the competitive exam itself was an achievement. It is a really a very good effort from his part and is a great encouragment and inspiration.

The other side of the story, he keeps asking for more computer game time for each of his good marks. (thats the deal between us!)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Working with beads

The occupational therapist suggested threading the beads for abhi, to improve his concentration and fine finger controls.
So to make it more iteresting, i got beads of different colours and sizes. With my little help, he made few garlands. These I used those garland for guruvayoorappan's photo, one he gifted to our neibour's little girl. And another chain with a matching bracelet. And abhi was very happy that he made those gifts.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Another achievement for Abhi ....

Today Abhi and his friend Adithya, wrote "Madhyama" Hindi exam. I was very much happy that he wrote to his best, though I chided him for leaving few known questions in the second paper. But I really felt sad when he told that he couldn't get time. I know that with his speed, he could do only 60-70% as any other child of his age.

Actually towards the last lap of the study, I myself felt whether it was too big a chunk for Abhi. As before, he wanted to do along with his friend. So I dont want to let him down. Attempting the exams without fear itself is a good achievement.

Dakshina baratha Hindi Prachar Sabha

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Children like collecting junk....

I am very sure that at one point of time, mothers lose patience over the collections of pebbles, shells, bits and pieces which the kids bring in. Even many of us also do. Turn the junk into new useful, decorative pieces.

But dont discourage children. Give them ideas and make them build something new from their collections like the link below shows!! Decorative things like this "kiddy Aquarium" below, hand painted paper weights, small gifts etc can be made.

Visit my post