Pallanguzhi is an ancient indoor game, mostly played by the women of older times, who were mostly tied upto the inside of their homes. So natuarally kids learnt from them.
My grandmother had a very old Pallanguzhi made in teak wood I beleive and also a set of Manjadi kuru and a set of chozhi (small shells). Now I regret that didnt realize the value of the game and preserve it. We also used pulliyam kottai, beads etc. During summer holiday afternoons, we are not allowed to play under sun, and we will have countless rounds of pallanguzhi!
When Abhi's physiotherapist suggested playing pallanguzhi for his fine finger movement and his hand and eye coordination, I literally searched many toy shops in chennai to find a suitable one made in wood. But I still didnt get the old type of board. I specifically wanted wood, because the of its natural feeling. I use manjadi, white channa, dried peas, beads etc. This will give a variety to the game as well as for finger movements.
Another important aspect of this game is you get more skilled in mental arithmatic. When i play with Abhi, i even play with only 2 seeds in a hole, so that it is easy for him to calculate mentally. The more both players calculate and play, the more interesting the game will turn out.
If we analyse our ancient games, we will find the good reasoning behind each, which improves our body and mind.