Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A ver special day for me.

The school annual day was on Saturday the 30th.The day was one of my special days to cherish. Abhi sang on the stage as part of the School Choir. Another happy event was, as part of the school annual report presentation, the bird photos taken by Abhi was displayed and his name was announced. There were no words to describe my happiness.

Photography is his latest interest. My aim is to give maximum exposure for him and I have to make sure that he is not left out in this fast world.

Today when I went to school, the teacher in charge of the Choir, appreciated me for my effort in bringing up Abhi. That made me to think – is it my effort or is it his enthusiasm that needs a great pat. Infact his enthusiasm and self inspiration is what makes me go about. By Gods grace let that light be always there in him.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One day you can be a singer or writer

This month is the time when I feel so down with regard to Abhi. Because July the school has Sports Day. Till 5th class, he was able to participate, because there were small games or some cultural dances, where he was given small roles. But from 6th onwards, its real sports, atheletics etc and Abhi cant participate in these. During the practice sessions, almost for 2 weeks, I used to send him story books for reading.

One day I almost cried, when he asked "Amma, why cant I also join?". Another sad part for him is , I opted him out of Scouts. I asked him to join choir. I always try to give positive replies, telling him that, "Everyone may not be good in everything. May be you can sing , write etc - One day you can be a singer or writer, if you concentrate on these". Though I tell such things, I can see and understand how bad my son must be feeling inside.

This is one disappointing thing I find when we include special needs children in normal stream. Atleast in India. Everyone still need to accept others in the society who are not as fast as themselves. I dream of someday, when everyone slows down a bit to give chance for such co-citizens. Not only in schools, but in all walks of life. Though there are many changes and awareness happening these days, I feel India is backward with regard to this.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another year has gone by!

Another academic year has gone by and Abhi has been promoted to Class VII. Every year it is one my joyous moments, which words cannot express. Tommorow I have to pay the fees for class VII. Sometimes I still cannot believe this. Let me pray to GOD and thank him for all the helping hands he is giving.