Due to the muscular spasticity, Abhi requires more effort and training for his physical movements and activities. I could see how he struggles for even a very small movement, which comes so naturanlly for any other child..! Many a times I have controlled my emotins, so that he dont see my tears and feel disappointed or discouraged.
Recently one day we were practising smooth pencil strokes for the alphabets. He had to take lot of efforts to do that...finally he asked me - Mom, Why is it so with me, I am not able to do like others? I have to give him some explanations as to convince him for the effort he has taken.
What ever said, it always pricks and pains to see my child struggle. As the days go, does the difference show more? Will he be able to overcome ...?Things I can do is to give him the support required, Make him physically and mentally strong, and as independent as possible.
Everyday my prayer to GOD is to give me the mental strength required. GOD has bestowed in Abhi, lot of self inspiration and zest for Life, which I believe is the strength for him.